Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Tools: Transform Your Problems into Courage, Confidence, and Creativity

The Tools

The Tools

Listen! Writers! Remember that New Yorker profile from about a year ago - about the two Hollywood therapists who had developed strategies, yes, tools, tools that screenwriters and television writers could use over and over for defeating writer’s block? Well, now they have a book out. Only, maybe it’s the wrong book. Depends.

But listen! Writers! This book, “The Tools: Transform Your Problems Into Courage, Confidence, and Creativity,” despite that word “creativity” looming out there like your childhood bully, has precisely four mentions of writers in it. Four. The cop who longs to write stories instead of just telling them at his bar (known as regaling, in professional bar lore). The successful screenwriter who freezes and just wants to revert to her lost, kid-writer place where she “loved to write for its own sake.” And two more.

The therapists, Phil Stutz and Barry Michels, have obviously had some success with these types. When that article came out writers were asking other writers, “Did you read it?” It generated what the authors call a Grateful Flow. (Yes. One of the Tools.) Because, if someone had found — well, a cure would sound too eager and sweaty, but a method for handling writer’s block and writers’ insecurities, which is pretty much the whole catastrophe, well, where do we all sign up? We professionals, we wannabes, fried-outs, come­backers, coo-coos, dream-jobbers. Us.

Listen! There was a market for that book. The one they didn’t do. It could have joined the rare essential works on the screenwriter’s shelf — alongside Joseph Campbell (I said essential, not untainted), Robert McKee’s “Story” and Twyla Tharp’s “Creative Habit.” But Stutz and Michels instead chose to use their new public pulpit to sell the book they had been developing for years — one boiling over with universal tactics to get us off the dirty dime of our stalled lives that just might, who knows, help out lots more lumbering souls than some schlub stumped on his Act II B-plot crisis procrastinating by doing fake research, reading gun magazines.

Now, these Tools all come with explainy labeled diagrams like “Freedom to Go On With Life” and “Trapped in the Past” that recall editorial cartoons in which the A‑bomb had a nasty puss and “U.S. Fears” written on it. But though the book is organized torpidly, the Tools themselves retain a fascination, in part because you’re never sure if you’ll turn the page and Stutz and Michels will go into some full-bore flip-out. Their tool “Reversal of Desire” (essentially, not fleeing fear but confronting it — even a phone call in which someone might reject you romantically in ways you will still be replaying 80, 90 years later) is presented thus: “See the pain appear in front of you as a cloud. Scream silently at the cloud, ‘BRING IT ON!’ ” Then, “Scream silently, ‘I LOVE PAIN!’ ” — no offense, but Edvard Munch has a lot to answer for. Then, after the cloud engulfs you, it will spit you out and, “As you leave the cloud, feel yourself propelled forward into a realm of pure light.”

Sadly, years of immersion in the cloud of popular culture have trained me never ever ever to head for the light, which will prematurely reunite me with Gramps, who’ll tell me I still have wrists like a girl. But happily, the tool “Inner Authority” teaches me how to confront Gramps and other tormentors (like Gramps, for example; no, mentioned him) while teamed up with my Shadow. The Shadow, a concept repurposed from Jung, is a self living inside us that is “everything we don’t want to be but fear we are,” whom we must visualize and corporealize. Loyal failure-­self, whom we remember from seventh-­period gym, now bonds with us as together we address an imaginary audience “and silently command them to ‘LISTEN!’ ”

Rod Serling was a friend of Michels’s parents, which may explain why the docs’ more magical theorizing and their proselytizing “new spirituality” reads simultaneously like a lost episode of “The Twilight Zone” and a desire to serve mankind. That Serling factoid is found only in the New Yorker article, by the way, not in the tamer book, which forgets that books like this (already a best seller) thrive less on their ideas than on the complex personalization of the mentors. Stutz’s father used to invoke bankruptcies to him — “Could you make do with only one pair of pants?” By 12 he was basically Dad’s therapist. But Michels, a child of atheists who says “faith was my family’s ‘f-word,’ ” had potential to drive the narrative harder, too.

They get little help from their yuppified case histories, like the woman who can’t enjoy her spotless new kitchen because her husband keeps grubbing it up making late-night snacks. Their patients resemble under-40 climbers for whom an off-­season frozen Mallomar is never enough. An exception is Vinny, a talented but grandiose stand-up comic, whose self-­destructive story gives the book a structure. The Tools save him from the brink, he rises, quits therapy and falls, finally uses the “Jeopardy” tool (in which your deathbed-self screams at you “not to waste the present moment”). “My God!” Vinny visualizes on his road to redemption. “I’m living in my mother’s house!”

Stutz and Michels write, “Now, instead of using humor as a weapon in a war against humanity, he gave it as a gift to make others happy — which made him happy.” I would submit that they have arrived at precisely the wrong conclusion because of their misguided animosity toward negativity, judgments, hopelessness, complaining. Too much humorless positivity erodes this adventurous but narrow book. The romance of hate drives comedy. It brings to mind the sulfurously brilliant Don Rickles performing. Then moments later, snuffling on Johnny Carson’s couch to show what a likable soul he really was. That couch was Don’s Shadow, not the other way around.

Source: www.nytimes.com

>>>>> Sample Pages <<<<<

Revelation of a New  Way

ROBERTA WAS A NEW PSYCHOTHERAPY PATIENT who  made me  feel completely ineffective within  fifteen minutes  of  meeting her.   She  had come  to me with a very  specific  goal:  she wanted to stop obsessing about the idea   that her   boyfriend  was   cheating  on  her.   “I  go  through  his messages, grill  him  with questions; sometimes I even  drive  by  his  place to spy  on  him.  I never find  anything but I can’t  stop myself.” I thought her   problem  was   easily   explained  by   the  fact  that  her   father  had abruptly deserted the family   when she  was  a  child. Even  now,  in  her mid-twenties,  she   was   still  terrified  of  abandonment.   But  before  we could  delve  into that issue  more  deeply, she  looked me  in  the eye  and demanded, “Tell me  how  I can  stop obsessing. Don’t waste my time and money on why I’m insecure—I already know.”
If Roberta came  to see me  today, I’d be thrilled that she  knew  exactly
what she wanted, and  I’d know  exactly how  to help  her.  But my meeting with  her    took   place    twenty-five   years    ago    when  I   was    a   new psychotherapist. I felt the directness of her  request shoot through me like an arrow. I had  no response.
I  didn’t  blame myself.   I  had   just spent  two years   devouring every current theory  of psychotherapeutic practice. But the more  information I digested, the  more  unsatisfied I became.  The theories felt removed from the   actual   experience  someone   would   have   when   he  or  she  was  in trouble and needed  help.  I felt in my gut that  I hadn’t been taught a way to respond directly  to what  a patient like Roberta  was asking for.
I wondered, Maybe  I can’t  pick  up this  ability  from  a book;  maybe  it can  be  learned only  in  face-to-face   consultation with  someone   who’d been  in the trenches. I had  developed close ties to two of my supervisors - not  only  did  they   know   me  well,  but  they   had   many   decades   of clinical  experience. Surely,  they  must  have  developed some way to meet these requests.
I described Roberta’s demand to them. Their  response confirmed my worst fears.   They  had   no  solution. Worse,   what seemed to me  like  a reasonable request, they saw  as part of her  problem. They  used  a lot of clinical   terms:   Roberta   was    “impulsive,”   “resistant,”   and    “craved immediate gratification.” If I tried to meet her  immediate needs, they warned me, she would actually become more  demanding.
Unanimously, they advised me  to guide  her  back  to her  childhood— there we  would find  what caused the obsession in the first place. I told them she already knew  why  she was obsessed. Their  answer was that her father’s abandonment couldn’t be the real reason. “You have  to go even deeper into her  childhood.” I was fed up with this runaround: I’d heard it before—every time a patient made a direct request, the therapist would turn it back  on  the patient and  tell him  or  her  to “go  deeper.” It was  a shell  game  they used  to hide  the truth: when it came  to immediate help, these therapists had  very  little to give  to their patients. Not only  was  I disappointed,  I   had    the  sinking  feeling    that  my   supervisors  were speaking for the entire psychotherapeutic profession—certainly I’d never heard anyone say anything else. I didn’t know  where to turn.
Then  I got lucky.  A friend told me  he’d met a psychiatrist who  didn’t accept the system any  more  than I did.  “This  guy  actually answers your questions—and I guarantee you’ve  never heard these answers before.” He was  giving  a series  of seminars, and  I decided to go to the next one. That was where I met Dr. Phil Stutz, the coauthor of this book.
That seminar changed my practice—and my life.
Everything about the way  Phil  thought seemed completely new.  More important,   in    my    gut   it   felt  like    the   truth.   He   was    the   first psychotherapist  I’d  met   whose   focus   was   on   the   solution,  not   the problem.  He  was  absolutely  confident  that   human  beings   possessed untapped forces that  allowed  them  to solve their  own  problems. In fact, his view of problems was the opposite of what  I’d been taught. He didn’t see them  as handicapping the  patient; he  saw  them  as opportunities to enter  this world  of untapped potential.
I  was   skeptical  at   first.   I’d   heard    about    turning  problems  into opportunities before,  but  no  one  had  ever  explained exactly  how  to  do this.   Phil  made   it  clear   and   concrete.  You  had   to  tap   into   hidden resources  by  means   of  certain  powerful  but   simple   techniques  that
anyone could  use.
He called these techniques “tools.”
I walked out of that seminar so excited, I felt like I could  fly. It wasn’t just that there were  actual tools that could  help  people; it was something about Phil’s  attitude. He  was  laying himself, his  theories, and  his  tools out in  the open.  He  didn’t  demand that we  accept what he  was  telling us;  the only  thing he  insisted on  was  that we  actually use  his  tools and come  to our  own  conclusions about what they could  do. He almost dared us  to prove  him  wrong. He  struck me  as  very  brave or  mad—possibly both. But in any  case,  the effect on me  was  catalyzing, like  bursting out into the fresh  air  after the suffocating dogma of  my  more   traditional colleagues. I saw even  more  clearly how  much they hid behind an impenetrable wall  of convoluted ideas, none  of which they felt the need to test or experience for themselves.
I had  learned only  one  tool at the seminar, but as  soon  as  I left,  I practiced it religiously. I couldn’t wait to give it to Roberta. I was  sure  it would help   her  more   than  delving deeper into her  past. In  our  next session, I said,  “Here’s something you  can  do  the moment you  start to obsess,” and  I gave  her  the tool (I’ll present it later). To my amazement, she  seized   on  it and  started using  it immediately. More  amazingly, it helped. My colleagues had  been  wrong. Giving  Roberta something that provided   immediate   help    didn’t   make    her    more    demanding   and immature; it inspired her  to become an active, enthusiastic participant in her  own  therapy.
I’d  gone   from   feeling   useless   to  having a  very   positive impact  on someone in a very  short time. I found  myself  hungering for more—more information, more  tools; a  deeper understanding of  how  they worked. Was  this   just  a  grab   bag  of  different  techniques,  or  was  it  what   I suspected—a whole  new way of looking  at human beings?
In an  effort  to get answers, I began  to corner  Phil  at  the  end  of each seminar and  squeeze  as much  information as I could  out of him.  He was always  cooperative—he seemed  to  like  answering questions—but each answer   led   to   another  question.  I  felt   I’d  hit   the   mother  lode   of information, and  I wanted to take  home  as much  of it as possible.  I was insatiable.
Which brought up another issue. What I was learning from Phil was so powerful that  I wanted it to be the  core  of my work  with  patients. But there was  no training program to apply  to, no academic hurdles to jump over.  That was  stuff I was  good  at, but he seemed to have  no interest in it, which made me  feel  insecure. How  could   I  qualify to be  trained? Would  he  even  think of me  as a candidate? Was  I turning him  off with my questions?
Not too long  after I began giving  the seminars, this intense young  guy named  Barry   Michels   began  to  show   up.   With  some   hesitation,  he identified  himself as  a  therapist, although, given   the detailed way  he questioned me, he sounded more  like a lawyer. Whatever he was,  he was really smart.
But that’s not why I answered his questions. I’ve never  been impressed by   intellect   or   credentials.   What  caught   my   attention  was    how enthusiastic he was; how  he’d go home  and  use the tools himself. I didn’t know  if I was  imagining it, but I felt as  though he’d been  looking for something for a long time and  had  finally  found  it.
Then  he asked  me a question I’d never been  asked  before.
“I  was   wondering.…  Who   taught  you   this  stuff  …  the  tools  and everything? My training program didn’t touch on anything remotely like it.”
“No one taught me.”
“You mean you came  up with this yourself?” I hesitated. “Yeah … well,  not exactly.”
I didn’t know  if I should tell him  how  I really got the information. But he seemed open-minded, so I decided to give it a try. It was  a somewhat unusual story, that began with the very  first patients I treated, and  one in particular.
Tony  was  a  young  surgical   resident at  the  hospital where   I  was  a resident  in  psychiatry.  Unlike  a  lot  of  the  other   surgeons,  he  wasn’t arrogant, in  fact  when  I first  saw  him,  cowering near  the  door  of my office, he looked  like a trapped rat.  When I asked  him  what  was wrong, he  answered, “I’m  afraid  of a test  I have  to take.”  He was  shaking  like the  test  was  in  ten  minutes; but  it  wasn’t  scheduled  for  another  six months. All tests  scared  him—and this  one  was  a  big  one.  It  was  his board-certification exam in surgery.
I interpreted his  history  the  way  I’d  been  trained to.  His father  had made a  fortune in  dry  cleaning but was  a  college   dropout with deep feelings of  inferiority. On  the surface, he  wanted his  son  to become a famous surgeon to gain  a vicarious sense  of success. But underneath,  he was  so insecure that he was  threatened by the idea  of his son surpassing him.   Tony  was  unconsciously terrified  to succeed for  this reason: his father would see  him  as a rival  and  retaliate. Failing  his  exams  was  his way  of keeping himself safe.  At least that was  what I’d been  trained to believe.
When   I  gave   this  interpretation  to  Tony,   he   was   skeptical.  “That sounds like something out of a textbook. My father has  never pushed me to do  anything for  his  sake.  I can’t blame my  problem on  him.”  Still, it seemed to help  at first; he  looked and  felt better. But as the day  of the test drew  closer,  his anxiety returned. He wanted to postpone the exam. I assured him  this was  just his unconscious fear  of his father. All he had to do  was  keep  talking about it, and  it would go away  again. This  was the traditional, time-tested approach to his  problem. I was  so confident that I guaranteed he’d pass his test.
I was wrong. He failed  miserably.
We had  one  last session  after that. He  still looked like  a trapped rat, but this time an  angry trapped rat. His words echoed in  my  ears.  “You didn’t give me a real  way  to conquer fear.  Talking about my father every time was like fighting a gorilla with a water pistol. You failed  me.”
My  experience with  Tony  opened my  eyes.  I  realized how  helpless patients could  feel  facing  a  problem by  themselves. What they needed were  solutions that would give  them the power to fight back.  Theories and  explanations couldn’t  give  that kind  of  power; they needed forces they could  feel.
I had  a series of other,  less spectacular failures.  In each  case, a patient was  in some  state  of suffering:  depression, panic,  obsessional rage,  etc. They  pleaded with  me for a way  to make  their  pain  go away.  I had  no idea how to help them.
I was experienced at dealing  with  failure.  I was addicted to basketball growing  up and played  with  kids bigger  and better  than  I was. (Actually, almost   everybody  was  bigger   than   I  was.)   If  I  performed  badly   at basketball, I just  practiced more.  This was different. Once I lost faith  in the  way  I’d  been  taught to do therapy, there  was nothing to practice. It was as though someone  took the ball away.
My  supervisors were   sincere and   dedicated, but they attributed  my doubts to inexperience. They  told me most young  therapists doubt themselves, but as  time passes, they learn that therapy can  only  do  so much.  By   accepting  its  limitations,  they  don’t   feel   as   bad   about themselves.
But those limitations were  unacceptable to me.
I wouldn’t be satisfied until I could  offer  patients what they asked  for: a way  to help  themselves now.  I decided I would find  a way  to do  this no  matter where it took me.  Looking  back,  I realize that this was  the next step on a path that had  started when I was a child.
When  I was  nine,  my three-year-old brother died  of a rare  cancer. My parents, who  had  limited emotional resources, never recovered. A cloud of doom  hung  over  them. This  tragedy changed my  role  in  the family. Their  hope  for  the future became focused on  me—as  if I had  a  special power to make  the doom  go away. Each  evening my father would come home  from  work,  sit in his rocking chair, and  worry.
He didn’t do it quietly.
I’d  sit  on  the floor   next  to  his  chair,  and   he’d  warn  me  that his business might go bankrupt any  day  (he  called it “going  busted”). He’d ask  me  stuff like  “Could  you  make  do  with only  one  pair  of pants?” Or “What  if  we  all  had   to  live  in  one   room?”  None   of  his  fears   were realistic; they were  as close  as he could  come  to admitting his terror that death would visit us  again. Over  the next few  years, I realized my  job was to reassure him.  In effect, I became my father’s shrink.
I was twelve years  old.
Not that I thought about it that way.  I didn’t think at all.  I was  moved by  an   instinctive  fear   that  if  I  didn’t  accept  this  role,   doom   would overwhelm us.  As unrealistic as that  fear  was,  it felt  absolutely real  at the  time.  Being  under  that  kind  of pressure as a kid  gave  me  strength when  I grew up and got real patients. Unlike many  of my peers,  I wasn’t intimidated by  their  demands. I’d been  in  that  role  for  almost  twenty years.
But just because  I was willing to address  my patients’ pain didn’t mean
I knew  how.  One thing  I was sure  of: I was on my own.  There  were  no books  I  could  read,   no  experts   I  could  correspond  with,   no  training programs I could  apply  to.  All I had  to go on was my instincts. I didn’t know  it yet,  but  they  were  about  to lead  me to a whole  new  source  of
My  instincts  led   me   into  the  present.  That’s  where  my   patients’ suffering was.  Taking  them back  to their past was  just a  distraction;  I didn’t  want any   more   Tonys.   The  past has  memories,  emotions,  and insights,  all   of  which  have   value.  But  I  was   looking  for  something powerful enough to bring  relief  right now.  To find  it, I had  to stay in the present.
I had  only  one  rule:  every  time a patient asked  for  relief—from hurt feelings, self-consciousness, demoralization,  or  anything else—I  had  to address it then and  there. I had  to come  up  with something on the spot. Working without a  net, I got in  the habit of saying  out loud  whatever occurred to me  that might help  the patient. It was  kind  of like  Freud’s free  association in  reverse—done by  the doctor instead of  the patient. I’m not sure  he would have  approved.
I  got to the point where I  could   talk without  knowing what I  was going   to say  next.  It began  to  feel  as  though some   other force   was speaking through  me.  Little  by  little, the  tools in  this book  (and   the philosophy behind them)  made themselves known. The  only  standard they had  to meet was that they worked.
Since  I never considered my search complete until I had  a specific  tool to offer  a patient, it’s  crucial to understand exactly what I mean when I use  the term tool. A tool is much more  than an  “attitude adjustment.” If changing your  life  were  only  a  matter of  adjusting your  attitude, you wouldn’t need  this book.  Real change requires you to change your behavior—not just your  attitude.
Let’s say  you  scream when you  get frustrated—you let loose  on  your spouse,  your   kids,   your   employees.  Someone  helps   you   realize  how unseemly this  is, how  it’s damaging your  relationships. You now  have  a new  attitude  about   screaming.  You  may  feel  enlightened  and   better about  yourself  … until  an  employee makes  a costly  mistake. At which point  you start  screaming without even thinking.
A change  in attitude won’t stop  you from screaming because  attitudes can’t  control  behavior; they’re  not  strong  enough. To control  behavior you  need  a  specific  procedure to  use  at  a  specific  time  to  combat   a specific problem. That’s what  a tool is.
You’ll have  to wait  (without screaming if you  can)  until  Chapter  3 to learn   the  tool  that   applies   here.   The  point   is  that   a  tool—unlike  an
attitude adjustment—requires you to do something. Not only  does  it take work,  it’s work  you  have  to do over  and  over  again—every time you  get frustrated. A new  attitude means nothing unless  followed by a change in behavior. The surest way  to change behavior is with a tool.
Beyond  what I’ve said  so far, there’s a more  crucial difference between a tool and  an  attitude. An attitude consists of thoughts happening inside your  head—even if you  change it, you’re working within the limitations you  already have. The  most profound value  of a tool is that it takes you beyond  what  happens  inside  your   head.  It  connects you   to a  world infinitely  bigger   than you  are,   a  world  of  limitless  forces.   It  doesn’t matter whether you  call  this the collective unconscious or  the spiritual world. I found  it simplest to call  it the “higher world,” and  the forces  it contains I call “higher forces.”
Because  I needed the tools to have  such  power, it took a great deal  of effort  to  develop  them.  The   information  would  emerge  in  a  crude, unfinished form  at first. I’d have  to rework a tool hundreds of times. My patients  never  complained; in  fact, they  liked   being   part of  creating something. They  were  always willing to test-drive a  new  version of  a tool and  come  back  and  tell me  what had  worked and  what hadn’t.  All they asked  is that the tool help  them.
The  process made me  vulnerable to them. I couldn’t hold  myself  at a distance like  an  all-knowing authority figure  handing down  information from  on high.  This  work  was  more  of a joint effort—which was  actually a  relief.   I  was  never comfortable with the  traditional  therapy  model where the  patient  was   “ill”  and   the  therapist,  holding him   at arm’s length like  a  dead  fish,  would “cure”  him.  This  always offended me—I didn’t feel I was any  better than my patients.
What  I enjoyed  as a therapist wasn’t holding  the patient at a distance;
it was  putting power  into  my patients’  hands.  Teaching  them  the  tools was my way of giving them  the ultimate gift—the  ability  to change  their lives.  That  made  it  tremendously satisfying  each  time  a  tool  was  fully developed.
In the  process  of developing the  tools,  it would  be  surprisingly clear when  a tool  was fully formed.  It never  felt like I made  it up out  of thin air;  I had  the  distinct impression that  I was  uncovering something that already existed.  What  I did  bring  to  the  table  was  faith  that,  for  each problem I could  identify, there  was  a tool  to  be discovered that  would bring  relief.  I was like a dog with a bone  until the tool appeared.
That faith was  about to be  rewarded in  a  way  I  never could   have imagined.
As time went by,  I observed what happened to patients who  used  the tools  regularly.  As  I’d  hoped,  they  were   now   able   to  control  their symptoms: panic, negativity, avoidance, etc. But something else— something unexpected—was happening. They  began to develop new abilities. They  were  able  to express themselves more  confidently; they experienced  a  level  of  creativity they’d  never  felt before; they  found themselves emerging as  leaders. They  were   having an  impact on  the world around them—often for the first time in their lives.
I’d  never set out to do  this. I had  defined my  job  as  returning the patient to “normal.” But these patients were  going  far  beyond normal— developing potential they didn’t  even  know  they had.   The  same  tools that relieved pain  in  the present, when used  over  time, were  affecting every  part of  their lives.  The  tools were  turning out to be  even  more powerful than I’d hoped.
To make  sense  out of this, I had  to expand my focus  beyond the tools themselves  and   take  a   closer   look   at  the  higher  forces   they  were releasing.  I’d  seen   these  forces   at work   before.  So  have   you—every human being   has  experienced them.  They  have   a  hidden, unexpected power that lets us  do  things we  usually think of as impossible. But, for most people, the only  time we  have  access  to them is in an  emergency. Then,  we  can  act with heightened courage and  resourcefulness—but as soon  as the emergency is over,  the powers go away;  we  forget we  even have  them.
My patients’  experiences opened my  eyes  to a completely new  vision of human potential. My patients were  functioning as if they  had  access to these  forces every  day.  Using the  tools,  the  forces could  be generated at  will.  This  discovery   revolutionized my  view  of  how  psychotherapy should    work.    Instead    of   seeing   problems   as   an   expression   of   a “condition” whose  cause  was  in  the  past,  we  needed   to  see  them  as catalysts for developing forces  that  were  already present, lying  dormant inside us.
But  the   therapist  had   to  do  more   than   just  see  the   problems  as catalysts. His job  was  to  give  the  patient concrete access  to  the  forces that  were  needed  to solve the  problems. These forces  had  to be felt, not just talked about. That required something therapy had  never provided: a set of tools.
I  had   just  spent  an   hour    pouring  out  a   tremendous  amount  of information.  Barry   had   taken it  all  in  stride,  nodding  vigorously  at points. There  was  only  one  fly in the ointment. I noticed that every  time I  mentioned  “forces”   he  looked  doubtful.  I  knew   he  wasn’t  good   at hiding   what   he    was    thinking—I   got   ready   for    the   inevitable interrogation.
Most of what Phil  had  said  was  revelatory. I absorbed it like  a  sponge and   was  ready to use  it on  my  patients.  But there  was  one   point  I couldn’t  swallow:   it  was  the  part   about   these   higher   forces  he  kept referring to. He was  asking  me  to believe in something that couldn’t  be measured or  even  seen.  I was  pretty sure  I’d  hidden these doubts from him.  Then  he interrupted my thoughts.
“Something’s bothering you.”
“No, nothing … that was amazing.”
He  just stared at me.  The  last time I  felt like  this was  when I  got caught putting sugar   on  my  cereal as  a  kid.  “All  right. Just one  little thing …  okay,   it isn’t  so  little.  Are  you  absolutely  sure   about these higher forces?”
He  certainly looked sure.  Then,  he  asked  me,  “Did  you  ever  make  a big  change in your  life—like a quantum leap  where you  went way  past what you thought you could  do?”
As a  matter of fact, I had.  Although I had  tried hard to forget it, I’d started my professional life as a lawyer. By age twenty-two, I had  gained admission to one of the  best  law schools  in the  country. By age twenty- five, I had graduated near  the top of my class and was hired  immediately by a prestigious law  firm.  Having  conquered the  system,  I stood  at  the top   of   the   mountain—and  I   hated    it   right   away.   It   was   stuffy, conservative, and  boring.  I constantly fought  the  urge  to  quit.  But  I’d pushed  myself  really  hard  all my life; quitting wasn’t  in my repertoire. How would  I explain  quitting a powerful, well-compensated profession— especially   to  my  parents, who’d encouraged me  to  be  an  attorney my whole  life?
But  somehow  I  did  quit.   I  remembered  the  day  very  well.  I  was twenty-eight years  old,  standing in the lobby  of the office building where I  worked, staring into the  silent, glazed-over faces  passing by  on  the sidewalk outside. For a moment, to my horror, I saw  my own  face  in the reflection of the window. My eyes  looked dead. Suddenly I felt I was  in jeopardy of  losing   everything and   becoming  one  of  those gray-suited zombies. Then,  just as suddenly, I felt something I’d  never felt before: a force  of absolute conviction, absolute confidence. Without any  effort on my  part, I felt it carry  me  right into my  boss’s office.  I quit on the spot. When  I looked back  on  what happened with Phil’s question in  mind,  I realized I had been  propelled by a force  that came  from  someplace else.
As I described this to Phil,  he  got excited. He pointed at me  and  said, “That’s  what I’m  talking about. You felt a higher force  in action. People have   these  experiences all  the time, but they don’t  understand  what they’re  feeling.”  He  paused  and   asked,  “You  didn’t  plan   for  that  to happen, right?”
I shook  my head.
“Can  you  imagine what your  life  would be  like  if you  could  tap into that force  at will?  That’s what the tools give you.”
I  still couldn’t  fully  accept the  idea   of  higher  forces,   but it didn’t matter. Whatever you  called the force  that allowed me to change my life
—I knew  it was  real.  I had  felt it. If the tools gave  me  access  to it every day,  I didn’t care  what you  called it. And when I introduced the tools to my  patients, they didn’t care  either. Thrilled with the possibility that I could  truly help  change their lives,  I was  radiating an  enthusiasm you can’t fake.  That got their attention in a way  nothing else ever  had.
The feedback was  uniformly positive. Many  commented on how  much more  productive the sessions seemed. “Normally, I’d leave  here  in a fog, not sure I’d gotten  anything out of the session.  Now, I leave  here  feeling like there’s something I can do—something practical that will help me.” For the first time in my short  career,  I felt able to instill  hope  in my patients. It changed everything. I began  to hear  a familiar  refrain—“You’ve given me more in one session than  I’ve gotten  in years of therapy.” My practice quickly  grew.  I was  feeling  more  fulfilled  than  ever  before.  And  sure enough, I noticed  the  same  changes  in my patients that  Phil  saw  when he was discovering the  tools.  Their  lives were  expanding in unexpected ways.  They  were  becoming  better   leaders,  better   parents;  they   were bolder  in every area  of their  lives.
Twenty-five  years    have    passed  since   Phil   and   I  met.  The   tools delivered exactly what he  said  they would: a  daily  connection to life- changing higher forces.  The more  I used  the tools, the more  clearly I felt that these forces  came  through  me,  not from  me—they were  a  gift from somewhere  else.   They   carried  an   extraordinary power that  made it possible to do  things I’d  never done   before. Over  time, I was  able  to accept that these new  powers were  given  to me  by  higher forces.  Not only  have  I experienced these forces  for two and  a half  decades, I’ve had the privilege of training patients to access  them just as consistently.
The  purpose of this book  is to give  you  the same  access.  These  forces will  revolutionize the way  you  look  at your  life and  your  problems. The problems won’t scare  or overwhelm you  anymore. Instead of asking, “Is there anything I can  do  about that problem?” you’ll  learn to ask  a very different question: “Which  tool allows  me to solve it?”
Between the two of us,  Phil  and  I have  sixty years  of psychotherapy experience. Based  on  this experience, we’ve identified four  fundamental problems that keep  people from  living  the lives  they want to live.  How much happiness and  satisfaction you  get out of life will  depend on  how well  you  can  free  yourself from  those problems. Each  of  the next four chapters addresses one  of these. Each  chapter also  provides you  with the tool that works  most effectively on  that problem. We’ll  explain how  the tool connects you  to a  higher force—and we’ll explain how  that force solves  your  problem.
You  may  not see  your  problems exactly reflected in  the struggles of the patients we  discuss. Fortunately, that  doesn’t mean you  can’t take advantage of the tools. You’ll find  that they’ll help  you  in  a  variety of situations. To make  that perfectly clear, at the end  of each  chapter we’ll describe  what  we call “Other  Uses” for each  tool.  You’ll probably find at least  one of these  that  applies  to your  life. What  we’ve found  is that  the four higher  forces the tools evoke are basic necessities for a fulfilling  life. It matters less what  form your problem takes than  that  you use the tools.
We’re  confident  about   everything  in  this   book   because   it’s  been developed and  tested  through real  experience. But don’t  take  our  word for it; read  it skeptically. As you do, you might  find yourself  questioning some  of  the  ideas.   We’ve  heard   most  of  these   questions  before,   and toward the end of each chapter we’ll answer  the most common  ones. But the real answers  are in the tools; using them  will allow you to experience the   effect  of   higher  forces.    We’ve   found    that  once    people  have experienced this repeatedly, their objections disappear.
Since the bottom line  is getting you to use the tools, at the end  of each chapter you’ll  find  a very  short summary of the problem, the tool, and how  to use  it. If you’re  serious about using  the tools, you’ll  return to these summaries over  and  over  again to stay on course.
By  the  time you’ve  finished the  next four   chapters,  you  will  have learned the four  tools that will  enable you  to live  a  fulfilling life.  You might think this is all  you  need. It’s not. It may  surprise you,  but most people stop using  the tools even  though they work.  This  is  one  of  the most maddening things about human nature: we  quit doing  the things that help  us the most.
We’re really serious about helping you  change your  life. If you  feel the same   way,   you’re  going  to have   to overcome your   resistance. This  is where the rubber meets the road. In  order to succeed, you’ll need   to understand what stops you  from  using  the tools—and you’ll need  a way to fight back.  Chapter 6 tells you  how.  It gives  you  a fifth tool, in some ways  the most crucial one.  This  is the tool that makes  sure  you’ll keep using  the other four.
There’s  one  more   thing you’ll  need   to make   absolutely certain you don’t give  up  on  using  the tools to connect with higher forces.   Faith. Higher forces  are  so mysterious that it’s  almost impossible not to doubt their  existence  from   time  to  time.  Some   would  even   call   this  the existential issue  of  the  modern age—how to have   faith in  something completely intangible. In my case,  I imbibed doubt and  disbelief with my mother’s milk  because both of my  parents were  atheists. They  would’ve laughed at the word  faith,  let alone   anything like  “higher forces”  that couldn’t   be   explained   rationally   or   scientifically.   Chapter    7   will document my struggle  to place  my trust  in these  forces  and  help  you to do the same.
Believe me, if I learned to have faith,  anyone  can.
I assumed  that  accepting higher  forces  as real  was  the  final  leap  I’d have  to take.  I was wrong.  Phil  had  one  more  crazy  idea  up his sleeve. He claimed  that  every time anyone  used a tool, the higher  forces evoked would  benefit  not  just  the  individual, but  everyone around him  or her. Over  the  years,  this  seemed  less and  less crazy.  I came  to  believe  that higher   forces  were  more  than   just  beneficial  to  society—we   couldn’t survive without  them.  You  needn’t  take my  word   for  this. Chapter 8 gives you a way  to experience it for yourself.
The  health of  our  society depends on  the efforts of  each  individual. Every  time one  of us gains  access  to higher forces,  all of us benefit. That places  a special responsibility on  those who  know  how  to use  the tools. They  become the first to bring  higher forces  to the rest of the society. They are  pioneers, building a new,  reinvigorated community.
I wake  up  every  morning grateful that higher forces  are  there. They never  stop revealing  themselves in  new  ways.   Through this book   we share  their  magic   with  you.   We’re  excited about  the  journey you’re about to undertake.

Source: The Tools: Transform Your Problems into Courage, Confidence, and Creativity by Phil Stutz,‎ Barry Michels

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